No matter how much you keep your garbage can clean and tidy, it always seems to be the odd one out, no matter what! After all it is all full of garbage. If you are annoyed with this dishonest behavior of your garbage cans with you; all you want to do is to keep them out of your site. Surprisingly there are many different ways you can hide them and make the intended place look better than you ever imagined.

This small closet shaped garbage hider can be very innovative with multipurpose features. As you can see that there are features to hide garbage can at the bottom and you can decorate the upper part with pot plants and show pieces. You might want t call a carpenter but if you already have carpeting skills you can handle the project all by yourself.

This looks very basic and you can easily attempt to make it all by yourself. This model is suitable for short garbage cans only. You want can make your own version which is taller and narrower. You can also add some decorative at the top.

This one is the most creative one and I love this. No one would ever get a hint that you are hiding all those junks in the small squares which are thought to be a subject of decoration. You definitely need a carpenter to do this unless you yourself are one of them.

This one is mostly ideal for your backyard. It not only hides your garbage but also that lawn you have forgotten to take care of.

This is another fence style garbage hider. It is very convenient and perfect to hide those ugly trash cans.

This fence hides your garbage cans from stranger pedestrians and also looks stylish from the front side. It looks more of a decorative feature than a hider.

This one will not only hide your garbage cans but would also hide your gardening materials as well. This looks very stylish and very fin to have. The design says it all; you definitely need a carpenter for this.

This hider has gone one step forward by adopting 3D designs into it. Perfect if you are stylish wet low budget hiders. nice way to hide outdoor garbage can.

This one should be easy to make by yourself. This one is very simple yet effective on its purpose.

This is a dual purpose garbage hider. It not only hides your garbage cans but acts like a small boundary wall too.

This looks very cute and is very efficient too. This design would bother you much with the opening and closing hassles.

Creativity has no ends. This hider would do much more than just hiding your cans. It will automatically open the garbage can lids for you. Fantastic isn’t it? And nothing is wrong in adding some decorative flowers to it.

This one has a sliding lid and as I mentioned earlier, nothing is wrong in adding some flowers to the top.

This one is good too. The orangey red color of the lid looks perfect.

This white color hider will make your place seem more fresh and clean.

No one can ever imagine that you are hiding your garbage with this beautiful barricade. The design is quite sleek and modern.

Just like your garbage can this 3 sided fence hider contains wheels too. Just to make the transportation easier. You also have the freedom to place it wherever you like.

This one is ordinary but still looks quite extraordinary just because of that beautiful tree on the side.

This is a very ordinary style but is very effective and easy to operate.

This wouldn’t hide your garbage cans fully but it will partially do the job.

As you can see this one not only lets you hide your garbage can but also hides some other stuff as well.
I hope you have got some ideas about your new project. Which is “hide the garbage can” project. These were just few assumptions about how you can hide those trash cans. You may try different things as well. As I said earlier creativity has no limits.